It’s Sick

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Your entire family washes their hands incessantly. They’re ingesting acidophilus continually and eating organic judiciously. But no matter how good your plan of attack is against the flu, winter colds, and other unwelcome illnesses, it’s pretty much inevitable that someone in the house will get sick. If it doesn’t hit you first, it will do so after you’ve nursed everyone else back to perfect health (good times).
If there’s a bright side to getting sick, MedVisit is it. Torontonians are eligible for this 20-year running, OHIP-covered (read: no out-of-pocket cost to you) service that actually sends doctors to your home seven days a week for non-emergency medical needs. Instead of dragging the kids to the germ-filled walk-in clinic, debating for hours about an ER visit for something probably not emerg-worthy (like those pesky ear infections) or spending a sleepless night waiting to get into the pediatrician, MedVisit offers in-home, old-fashioned, doctor-to-your-door service within the boundaries of the GTA and beyond.

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