
Parenting Challenges Are Like Snakes & Ladders - SavvyMom

Parenting Challenges? It’s Snakes & Ladders

We all have our parenting challenges because parenting is hard. Parenting neurodiverse kids or children with mental health issues is harder.

What is German Parenting and How Can It Improve Your Life?

In Berlin, almost all children walk to school alone. They use sharp knives to cut their own food and most of them fall asleep in their own beds, by themselves. We might want to parent like Germans, but can we?

What Moms Really Want for Valentine's Day (and Every Day) - SavvyMom

What Moms REALLY Want for Valentine’s Day (and Every Day)

What do moms want for Valentine’s Day? Why, equal division of parenting and household responsibilities, of course.

10 Ways to Raise a Reader - SavvyMom

10 Ways to Raise a Reader

Reinforcing literacy skills can be interesting for children when turned into a fun activity. For Family Literacy Day, here are 10 tips to raise a reader.

After-School Activity Chaos - SavvyMom

5 Tips to Survive After-School Activity Chaos

Great news: your child has been accepted into a renowned dance programme/made the rep hockey team. The after-school activity chaos is about to begin.

Dear Child of Mine. It's Not June. Stop Dressing Like It.

Dear Child of Mine. It’s Not June. Stop Dressing Like It.

If my daughter comes down in shorts and a t-shirt, I’m not going to say a word. If my son demands (as he did over the freezing cold weekend) that he doesn’t want his jacket done up, and he doesn’t want to keep his hat on, I’m done. I’m with Katie Holmes on this. They will get cold. They will learn.

Make the Most of Cold, Dreaded, January - SavvyMom

How to Make the Most of Cold, Dark, Dreaded January

There are ways to make the most of cold, dark, dreaded January, other than binge-watching Netflix in the name of “self-care.” Here are five ideas.

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions Busy Moms Can Actually Live With - SavvyMom

Realistic New Year’s Resolutions for Busy Moms

Instead of setting more impossible goals, we resolved to find some realistic New Year’s Resolutions that busy moms can actually live by.

How to Be an Awakened Parent - SavvyMom

How to Be an ‘Awakened’ Parent

The book, “The Awakened Family,” taught me something new about the way I parent and my relationships with my kids. Here’s how to be an awakened parent…