Welcome Rodeo. Our Son’s Autism Assistance Dog


Routines are a must when you deal with autism, although life in the spectrum is always unpredictable. Here we are again discovering this journey, but now with a four legged friend called Rodeo; our son’s Autism Assistance Dog.

A couple of days after Rodeo arrived, Emily asked me what do I like the most about him. I didn’t know what to answer so I just changed the subject. That night I went to bed wondering how a person who was scared of dogs in only three weeks, can feel like she had loved Rodeo for years?

Going back in time I remember when Alejandro was nine months old. I had many questions that always ended with the same answer: ‘you just have to wait’. I needed to know why my baby didn’t want me to hold him, and instead he preferred to be alone in his crib rocking his head from side to side.

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