Healthy Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips

healthy banana bread bundt pan chocolate breakfast

I am over the moon excited to introduce to you our new contributor!  She’s our 13-year-old daughter, Charlotte! I AM ALL CAPS LEVEL EXCITED ABOUT THIS!!!!  This is her very first post of our classic family recipe.

Charlotte adores baking – she has for as long as her memory goes back. When Charlotte was a preschooler, we kept a special sturdy stool in the kitchen just for her (and later her brother). “The Helping Stool” we called it. She would perch herself on this stool beside us and help in ways only she could.

What made me smile (and tear up a bit as I type this) was that during her photo shoot for this recipe she used this very same Helping Stool to get some shots from up high.

For this banana bread, the health factor was amped up to make room for the chocolate chips that the original didn’t have. (Because: chocolate.)  I cut out the butter completely and cut back the sugar to do this.  I also added more banana and substituted whole wheat flour for much of the white.

This recipe is ultra simple to make and makes a lovely addition to breakfast or packed lunches.  Those are the ways we use it most. Of course, it’s delicious any time of day.

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