Everyday Autism: Bad Hair Day!


April is Autism Awareness Month and the excuse for some of you to wear blue and support a nice cause for a couple of days.

For me and my family, every day is Autism Awareness Day because we live in the spectrum with our wonderful son Alejandro.  We are in this journey with him, learning and helping him to find his way in life. We cannot change him and we don’t want to, but we can change the world around him by spreading love and acceptance. Autism is not a tragedy; autism is not less, it is just a valuable difference!

Let’s stop for a moment and think about daily living skills that most of us do without thinking. How these day-to-day activities can be so overwhelming for many adults and children with autism.

How many of you remember feeling anything while you were washing or brushing your hair this morning. Or the sensation in your head last time you got a haircut. If you really think about it, you may remember if the water was cold or hot but nothing too relevant. For many people, these daily routines can be extremely overwhelming. I have to admit that dealing with Alejandro’s hair is a nightmare for both of us! It was causing me such amount of stress that one day I just decided to give up…

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