Ask the Sexpert: a Film About Dr. Mahinder Watsa


In anticipation of hotdocs, the Canadian International Documentary Film Festival, I was sent the film Ask the Sexpert by acclaimed director Vaishali Sinha about India’s foremost sexologist Dr. Mahinder Watsa -timely considering the theme of this month.

To say that I was highly entertained, amused and even at times awe-struck when watching this film would be accurate.  To say that I enjoyed every minute would be bang-on.  To say that everyone should watch this documentary in order to further the advancement of women’s and gay rights may sound hyperbolical but really, maybe Dr. Watsa can talk sense into some people.

I had the opportunity to ask Vaishali Sinha some questions about the film, and after reading our interview, I encourage you to see the film.  You won’t want to miss it!

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