You’re the Best

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.”
You’re savvy, you’re compassionate and you’re a fabulous mom. Want to know more? We can tell you a little bit about yourself based on some info you shared with us through our recent Mother’s Day survey. It’s our gift to you for Mother’s Day—just in case you don’t hear enough that you’re the best mom ever!

You’ve changed your focus a bit…before becoming a mom, your focus was on you and how much childbirth would hurt, or if you would get enough sleep. Now, you are more concerned about something happening to your kids. You don’t want them to get hurt. You want them to grow up into happy adults. You wonder if you’re a good parent. You’re even worried about them growing up and moving out. OK, you’re still a bit concerned about your sleep, too.

You are in love…when asked about the biggest change you’ve experienced since being a mom, you’re most amazed and overwhelmed by how much you love your children. You’re also amazed at how you can put other’s needs above your own all day long and you’re clearly able to multi-task more than you ever were before.

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