Where the Wild Moms Are

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

We don’t like to label (it feels like we’re judging). But we’re moms and we like to give things names. We also like to be part of the conversation.
This year the Tiger Mom phenomenon took the conversation of mom types to a whole new level. Apparently it’s a jungle out there—here are seven more animal mom types we think you might be able to identify with.

Octopus Mom
Whether it’s soccer balls, play dates, lice-lady duty or the carpool schedule, this mom knows how to juggle a thing or two for the sake of her children’s well-being. While the Octopus Mom easily adapts to any child-centric environment, she’s most at home behind the wheel of her minivan driving children to after-school programs or on the soccer pitch, where she stands with the dreaded snack list. Her kids get lots of ribbons for participating.

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