The Perfect Match

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Are you blessed or stressed? That is, blessed with easy-access child care in the form of a friend or grandma, or stressed (to the max) every time you have to find a sitter so you can slip out for an appointment or a movie night?
It’s not always easy to find someone to watch over your darlings (let’s face it, running after little ones or soothing a fretful baby can be a tough task). And many of us are resistant to answering a stranger’s ‘childcare available’ ad on Craigslist.

Enter the Lullaby League, the brainchild of a Vancouver mom who found herself perennially in the ‘stressed’ category. Amy van Weelderen is introducing a series of parent/sitter ‘match-making’ evenings, the first of which is on Tuesday, July 29 at 7:30 pm (pre-registration is required).

So far, nearly 20 college and university students have signed up to strut their stuff at Caramel Salon, which is hosting this inaugural event. (Free hair consults will be available too!) They’ll each briefly introduce themselves, then parents and sitters can get to know each other a little over refreshments. Many of the students are studying Early Childhood Education, and have skills such as first aid certification or fluency in a second language. Some of the sitters are willing and able to perform extra tasks such as light cleaning, cooking or running errands.

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