Shopping Outside the Box

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

‘€œHey Mom, can you buy an entertainment book? We’€™re raising money for the library.’€ ‘€œWant to buy a raffle ticket? Our school needs a new playground.’€

Sound familiar? As every parent with school-aged kids knows, we’€™re called upon to supplement the government’€™s dime for everything from soccer balls to whiteboards, turning our kids into pan handlers hawking entertainment, books, poinsettias, baking mixes, reusable containers, raffle tickets, and more.

Enter the Wealthy School Revolution (WSR). Sarah and Darryl Davis, savvy Vancouver parents of two, saw an opportunity to end the fundraising frustration by shopping outside the box. Parents at schools that join the Wealthy School Revolution can shop online for over 2000 healthy and organic, non-perishable grocery items that are delivered to the school bi-monthly for pick up. WSR saves and passes the 20% savings to the school. It takes no time for the Parent Association Committee to manage, and can generate thousands of dollars with little effort and no arm-twisting.

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