Quality Quiet Time

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

The kids are outta school, ready to go to all their favourite activities (well planned, mom). And then there is down time, the time we find on a rainy day or when they come home sweaty, tired and in need of a quiet activity. That’s when every savvy mom hauls out the A&C box from under the sofa (that’s arts and crafts, ahem).
For inspiration on upgrading the A&C box, we checked in with local artist Liz Clay, creator of Cici Art Factory, and it sounds like most of the items you’ll need are already in your home.

For Liz, art is a journey with no need for predetermined outcomes. So rather than buy expensive art kits with specific results in mind, Liz collects used materials and keeps them in an art cupboard. Some of her childrens’ favourite materials to create with include: egg containers, ribbon, wrapping paper, and cupcake holders. She has also created “bags of curiosities” where she stashes old cards, calendars, Christmas crackers, and other small odds & ends. In the summer these bags can hold treasures from long walks outside or in the back garden. Then you’ll need the essentials—tape, scissors, glue and glitter.

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