Good for the Sole

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Looking for a post-holiday pick me up? A little self indulgence, a way to thank you for all that you do? Then consider trying a fun new place to relax and recharge—like a foot spa and lounge.
At Sole Spa, you simply sink into a super comfy chair, put your feet up and let your cares (and aches and pains) melt away.

Your treatment starts with a soothing foot soak in a freshly-lined wooden tub (very authentic!). Once the feet are softened up, it’s time to start hitting pressure points. Each point on your foot corresponds to a different body part, so while some spots feel great, others might feel a bit tender (which means you need relief there). The treatment is designed to relieve stress and restore your natural balance.

The Zen-like atmosphere of the main room makes it a great place to escape the home-front. We like going with a girlfriend to multi-task and catch up with friends at the same time. You can even request a private room with side-by-side chairs if you’re looking for quality couple time.

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