Feel Good Photos

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Blink. Another year goes by. You can’t recall her first steps and his baby fat is all but gone. You’ve been meaning to book a professional photography session to capture these fleeting years, but you haven’t been able to justify the cost. What if we told you that for a limited time one of Vancouver’s well-known photography studios is waiving its usual sitting fee for families who make a donation to a Vancouver food bank? Too good to be true, right? Well, get ready for goose bumps.
Jeff and Tanya Harrison of Veridamo Photography are the photographers-cum-philanthropists behind Kids of Vancouver, which is a wonderful program benefitting the hungry. With Kids of Vancouver, the Harrisons have set out to photograph 200 children from the Greater Vancouver Area. Their subjects’ beautiful images will be included in a limited edition fine art coffee table book which will then be available to featured families to buy. (Grandparent Christmas gift? Check.)

How does this affect, you? Participating families will receive a complete portrait session for their child. After the session, families can purchase whatever images they would like from Veridamo. Jeff and Tanya, who are generously giving their time and talent, simply request that families involved in Kids of Vancouver make a donation of $100 to one of the charities participating in the program.

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