Not Your Average Boot Camp

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Equal Balance Fitness

It’s all about the kids, we get it. But watching them play soccer does not a fitness routine make. And guess what? Modeling a healthy lifestyle will increase the likelihood that your children will follow in your fit footsteps.

So try a boot camp. They’ve sprung up like blackberry bushes all over the Lower Mainland, and they offer the perfect kick-start to your fitness routine.

Like all workout regimes (hands up if you tried Tai Bo), boot camps are evolving, and there are a plethora to choose from. The drill sergeant has been replaced by encouraging instructors, and in some cases, dance teachers.

We like iDance for those who like to boogie (or even twerk, as the case may be). Located in Vancouver at 5th and Main Street, iDance’s Dancer’s Body Bootcamp will get you twisting and shouting your way into shape. For those who share a passion for fitness and the outdoors, try Equal Balance Fitness. Their boot camps meet in different parks around the North Shore, so every day is different, every workout unique, and the air is invigorating.

Both offer free first classes. Your booty—and your kids—will thank you. 

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