No Smashing Pumpkins

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

If each month had a featured vegetable or fruit there is no question that October would own the pumpkin. Nothing captures the essence of the first full month of autumn better than the bright orange beauty. Whether it is served as a spicy pie for Thanksgiving or adorning our doorstep to chase away (or welcome) the spooks on Hallowe’en, the pumpkin is it.
As we see it, the Thanksgiving long weekend provides an extra day to make a trip to your local pumpkin patch. If you think it’s too early to pick your Jack for the 31st, just keep reading. We have lots of tricks and treats all about the great pumpkin.

Finding a Farm
There are plenty o’ patches around town to choose from and some of our faves are Downey’s Farm Market, Forsythe Family Farms and Puck’s Farm.

May we suggest that you have the kids wear rain boots and bring a second pair of shoes to wear home (fields can be muddy)? You’ll also want to leave the family dog at home as most farms do not welcome pets.

Picking the Perfect Pumpkin
In order to bring home the perfect pumpkin, you’ll want to look for one thing–your favourite. Find a pumpkin that is the right size and shape for you then give it a quick once-over to make sure it doesn’t have any cuts, bruises or soft spots. It should also feel hard to the touch and still have the stem attached. All of this will ensure that it doesn’t rot too quickly.

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