Readers’ Choice: The Best of 2011

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

‘€˜Tis definitely the season for year-in-review articles, so we thought we’€™d share the ones you, our savvy readers, found most popular this year.
We combed through our web analytics, gathered statistic after statistic, and crunched our traffic numbers.

In no particular order, here are your 11 favourite SavvyMom articles from 2011:

The SavvyMom Guide to Family Travel covered everything from tips on keeping your sanity while flying with children to must-have travel gear for families. Worth the read if you’€™re planning a trip this winter.

Confused about the organic-or-not milk debate? Our Milky Matters article answers a lot of dairy aisle questions.

If you’€™re making a New Year’€™s resolution to finally organize your digital photos, our popular review of photo organizing services will be of tremendous service.

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