Pet Grooming Goes Mobile

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

K9 Mobile Pet Grooming Services

With regards to scheduling family appointments, you might be barking up the wrong tree when it comes to your pet’s vet.

Why bother schlepping the dog or cat to a groomer near or far when Dasher or Daisy can be coiffed comfortably in your own driveway?

K9 Toronto comes to the rescue with its mobile dog and cat grooming services, offering an on-site and less stressful option for all breeds, both large and small. Their state of the art, well-equipped van provides complete cosmetic care and is particularly well suited for pets that can be skittish or aggressive around other dogs.

The company also likes to give back to the community, offering one free grooming session for service dogs (trained to assist people with disabilities, including visual difficulties, hearing impairments, mental illnesses and more) per week.

Just got skunked? Don’t put that beast in your car. Call K9, their trained staff are known for giving the best cuts and blowouts in town.

Those lucky bitches.

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