The End of Summer Quiz

Jan Scott August 9, 2022

It probably comes as no surprise that I’m a family traditions enthusiast, and this small activity that originally started out as a road trip boredom buster has become one of our favourite end-of-summer rituals.

In an effort to remember some of the small details of the summer season, I prepare a quiz for my boys at the end of every August. These quizzes are exactly what they sound like: fill in the blank, multiple choice, and/or short answer questions about the past few months. They work on it together, trying to remember small details like the name of the place we went for a coffee and an Instagram check while on vacation, or how many times we made it to the drive-in theatre in the past eight weeks.

When the kids were younger, the questions were simple, but as they’ve gotten older, I dig around for more details, testing their memory to see how often they were paying attention to the things we were doing. We all look forward to the end of summer quiz, and they’ve become an accidental keepsake that’s almost as valuable as any photos that were taken.

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