It’s Your Turn


Dear SavvyMom Reader,

It’s been an eventful year for SavvyMom with lots of exciting changes. We’re bigger and better than ever. But the more things change, the more they stay the same. We’re still as dedicated as ever to bringing Canadian moms practical solutions to your everyday dilemmas.

So in the spirit of continuous improvement, we’re asking for your help. We want to hear from you about all your likes, your dislikes and your thoughts about our newsletter and website. In return for your time and insights, we’re offering you the chance to win an awesome prize of a Clarisonic Mia worth $145.

We’re excited about the prize, but we’re more excited to hear from you. Because while we know you respect our opinions, they wouldn’t be worth a dime without you, our loyal readers. It’s really all about you.

Thanks, as always, for taking the time.

Take me to the survey.



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