New Year’s Resolutions Busy Moms Can Actually Live With

SavvyMom June 16, 2016

Do we even pretend that we’re going to stick with our New Year’s resolutions anymore? The gym membership you didn’t use since last February and the blender collecting dust on your counter say that you know better. So instead of setting more impossible goals for ourselves this year, we resolved to find some rules busy moms can actually live by. Here are some tweaks to make your already rich and fulfilling life even better.

If you cook it, you can eat it.
Forget about diets this year. Instead of making carb-free protein snacks, spend time cooking real food for your family. Meal planning is the key. There are subscription services that will do the legwork or you can sit down with the flyers and your fave food blogs to plan the weekly dinners. But keep it real and also plan for nights out and convenience meals because you’re only human.

Plan your summer
This is a legit resolution! Because when it’s cold and dark and you are resolving to work harder and smarter, you should also resolve to take a break when the days are long and the nights are warm. Besides, as parents, if you don’t get your vacation-booking, summer camp-registering, little league-choosing game in gear now, it’s going to be another summer of camp Netflix and we can’t have that.

Do more free stuff
Here’s my big money resolution. Stop spending money on stuff they are giving away! Go to the library more often. Check out local community listings. Take local day trips to walk around different areas. Make your own fun.

We’ve got a few more words to live by this year, keep clicking to see all the resolutions we’re actually excited to keep this year.


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