Our Holiday Best

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

With all of the political and economic uncertainty of late, there is one thing that we can be certain of. We are grateful for our family and we’re looking forward to spending more time with them over the hols.

So we are inclined this holiday season to ignore the so-called recession, be grateful for what we have, and relish in the joys of our relationships. For the New Year, we aspire to be kind to our planet and those around us, celebrate our success, peace and happiness. And we wish the same for you and your families.

If you haven’t had a chance to contribute to our Holiday Crib Campaign, it’s not too late to do so now. We’re thinking about the tiny patients and their families, who are spending time at SickKids Hospital over the holidays, and we really hope to meet our goal of raising $20,000 to buy the hospital 50 new crib mattresses.

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