Fuelin’ Up

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.
Mom’s right—breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But moms also know that it’s sometimes hard to get our families to eat something—anything—that will help get them off to a great start.

Today we’re sharing three of our fave local breakfast finds so you can create a power-packed breakfast everyone will love.

Feelin’ All Granola
Siren Bakery is a boutique bakery that makes wickedly good granola. It’s high fibre, low sugar, and made entirely out of good stuff. We’re torn between the Cranberry/Almond and Maple Pecan varieties (honestly, we fought over it). In fact, both are so good you can eat them right out of the package. Our kids really love it in a breakfast parfait (layered fresh fruit, Greek yogurt and granola served in pretty glasses). You’ll find Siren’s granola available in a number of stores across Ottawa, including Farm Boy and Herb & Spice.

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