Not So Tricky Treats

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

You might be thinking that you still have 27 days before the ghosts and goblins appear, but your kids are probably planning their costumes (maybe some are already wearing them) and begging to decorate for Halloween. So why resist? There’s no better time than now to start rounding up your Halloween gear.
We’ve dug up some essential Halloween items, from costumes to candy to flameless candles and we’ve bundled them up with tips on Halloween safety and how to manage all that candy when it comes back home. It’s all here in our first ever SavvyMom Guide to Halloween.

Costumes have come a long way since the days of vision-impairing plastic masks and flammable polyester garb. Luckily for our kids, there are well-made, warm, and inventive costume options like these adorable shark and cupcake costumes available everywhere.
Trick or Treat bag
Spooky style for our trick-or-treaters doesn’t end with the right outfit. This is one time where kids and moms will agree—it’s all about the bag. Designer labels will be replaced by important decisions such as how much candy will this bag carry? These reusable (and recycled) bags will make the perfect carry-all on the 31st, and beyond.

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