New for You

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

We’ve got a different kind of list for you today, no shopping required. It’s a list of new and exciting improvements at SavvyMom, because we’re always looking for ways to enhance your Savvy experience. We just can’t stop growing up.
Consider them our gifts to you—for all that you do.

Expert Panel
For help with parenting, healthy eating and other mom dilemmas, we’ve assembled a crack team of experts to guide our readers through the not-so-easy parts of raising kids. From sibling rivalry to eating first solids, our experts have you covered. Here’s just a taste of the kind of advice they’ll be delivering, straight from the mouths of a few of the members of our expert team:

“A child flourishes most when you show unconditional love and acceptance of them ‘as is’—no strings attached! They don’t need you to love everything they do.”
Beverley Cathcart-Ross and Doone Estey of the Parenting Network.

“You actually have a choice every time you interact with your child—pause, breathe and then make the right one.”
Julie Freedman Smith & Gail Bell, co-founders of Parenting Power.

“Create a strong parenting support network for yourself, starting before your baby arrives. That way, you’ll have a community to tap into on those days when you’re feeling frustrated and exhausted—and a group who will celebrate the high points in your life as a parent, too.”
Ann Douglas, author of numerous parenting and pregnancy books, including The Mother of All Parenting Books.

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