Meet Jack

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

You think you’re organized and on-the-ball?

You don’t know Jack.

Jack’s our new bestie, Mr. Jack-of-all-trades, the guy who’s keeping us on track…especially now with two great new services we’ve just discovered.

You’ll never forget a birthday or special occasion with Jack around. At, an online stationery store, you can input your contacts and a list of special occasion dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). Then Jack sends you an email when that important date is coming up to remind you to get a card organized and you choose one of Jack’s cards from a huge selection of vibrant designs (many of which are designed by Canadian card artists). Jack will then send your card to you stamped and addressed—all you need to do is sign your name and drop it in the mail box. Yes, that’s why we love Jack. Of course there is a nominal charge for card delivery (Jack’s no dummy), but the card price is the same as you would pay in the drugstore.

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