It’s All About You

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Mom’s definitely the word this week as we gear up for the holiday celebrating that most important job of all, being a mom.
And it’s not an easy one (job, that is)—consider that the average preschooler wants your attention 210 times per day, or that you will have changed 7,300 diapers by the time your baby reaches his second birthday…oh, and not to mention the fact that mothers are the only workers who don’t have regular time off.

And while we moms know it’s a myth that labour ends when the child is born, we wouldn’t trade our job for the world, because our payment comes in the form of pure love. Still, we expect to be celebrated on Mother’s Day, but it’s your job to ensure the day is about you. So drop some serious hints this week about what you really want to do this Sunday. Whether it’s a day off with peace and quiet (usually at the top of our list), someone else to clean the house (not you!) or to enjoy a family outing with the kids, make sure you let everyone know.

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