Have Kids, Must Travel

SavvyMom June 20, 2016

There comes a time in every mom’s life where she must leave the nest with her babies and head out into the wide world on a journey—and this time of year is likely one of those times.
But whether you’re planning a trip down south, a ski trip (to actually take advantage of all the white stuff) or a visit to grandma’s, it can be a little intimidating thinking of being cooped up in the plane, train or automobile for hours.

Fortunately, we’ve got some savvy travellers out there who have gone the distance to test what makes for an easy trip with kids. All travelling moms know that the food and entertainment bag is more important than the one with clothes and underwear. So we recommend having the kids participate in the filling of the bag (over age three that is). If you are lucky, they might even carry or drag that bag themselves. Here are some recommendations to fill your savvy ‘mom stash’:

  • For Babies: a plastic mirror, a variety of rattles, magnetic stick-together blocks, any object that’s bright and new (to them at least). You can’t go wrong with the the Winkel by Manhattan Toys to keep baby amused. Remember that anything new is better than anything else.
  • For Toddlers: nested containers, board books, travel-size Magna Doodle, bubbles (great for in the airport), a blanket and favourite stuffed animal—make sure not to leave it anywhere on route though! Jumbo Bunnies by Quercetti are a great choice for passing the time away. Remember that anything new is better than anything else.

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