Get Fit Bit by Bit

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

We’re not big on resolutions if they add more to our to-do list, but it’s only natural this week to give some thought to our post-holiday fitness level—especially if you’re addicted to shortbread like some of us.
And most importantly, we moms need to stay strong so we can keep up with our kids. So, we paid special attention when a couple of new pieces of exercise equipment were sent our way this winter, and we’re already feeling the better for it.

We have a new daily 30-minute date with our Ugi ball that’s making us stronger and fitter and is just plain fun. UgiFit is a 30 minute workout comprised of 30 different movements which you do for 1 minute each. You can do the workout anywhere (the basement, the park, on vacation), guided by either the DVD (not your usual perky instructor type—there is no talking, just the exercises being demonstrated with a cue to switch to the next one every minute) or the lower-tech, easy-to-follow manual which has an incorporated stand so you can easily refer to it while exercising. There are five different workouts, each featuring a warm up, cardio, strength conditioning, balance techniques and cool down, and with various ways to mix up the workouts, there is an endless number of combinations.

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