Spring Breaker

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Spring ahead to Spring Break. With kids off school and activities on hiatus, it’s good to have a plan in your soon-to-be-Easter basket to keep the wee ones busy all week long.
We advocate getting outside, with rain or snow gear on.

Luckily (or unluckily), around these parts, winter tends to hang on long past the March break (and the official first day of spring) leaving us with ample opportunities for downhill skiing (with daycare kids under three), cross-country skiing in and around Calgary and tobogganing.

There’s a fine line between snow and ice in melt-freeze-melt weather making helmet wearing even more of a must-do. Check out the helmet covers from Tail Wags to entice young ones to protect their skulls and help you spot them on busy slopes.

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