Pawsitive Programming

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

“Mom, can we get a puppy? No, how about a kitten? A hamster? Lizard? OK, a fish?”
If this conversation hasn’t graced your dinner table, it’s probably on its way (especially if your kids had the chance to bond with any furry spring babies on Easter weekend).

Not every family wants a pet, and not every family is a good candidate for a furry friend due to allergies, long hours away from home or just plain old busy lives. Unfortunately, those very adult reasons may not curb your child’s enthusiasm.

The Calgary Humane Society sees its fair share of pet adoption gone awry and would be the first to encourage families to wait until they are ready. While their mandate is to find ‘furever’ homes for shelter residents, the Humane Society has also developed programs designed to foster volunteerism and raise awareness of pet overpopulation.

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