Froggie Friends

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Experts tell us pets are good for children because they foster responsibility. Moms know where that responsibility usually ends up. But not with our new favourite pet, African Dwarf Frogs. They’re green and low maintenance, making them perfect kids’ room pals.
You can find them at Eco Gecko Kids, a fun kids’ clothing and accessories store in Dalhousie Station. They come complete with a small tank, bag of food, instructions, a net and a turkey baster (for changing the water) for as little as $60.

We love the little eco-aquariums with bright rocks, a shiny rock gem and a short bamboo shoot. The plastic tank is small and sits on a base, making it light and easy to move around. There’s a small hole in the lid to drop tiny frog-food pellets through twice a week.

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