A Little Note Goes a Long Way

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

The funny way they say their new words (tinger for finger, goggie for doggie in our case); the pride you felt when she learned to do the monkey bars (backwards no less!); the emotions you were feeling on the way to the hospital to deliver him that hot July night; the favourite ice cream flavour of the Summer of ‘07….

As we near the end of another summer of fun and discovery with the kids, no matter their age, you might think you’ll remember these adorable, funny and special things forever but somehow along comes another day and another memory and they get tucked back into the nether regions of the mom brain.

And then there are the dreams and wishes you have for them as you watch them grow up and your wonder as you see their personalities evolve and shine through—thoughts that they’re not old enough to understand yet but that you really should capture so you can answer the inevitable “What was I like when I was little?” question one day.

Writing letters to your kids—notes that you’ll file away to share with them someday—is a great way to document all the answers to the questions and your memories of joyous (and even the mundane) occasions. Less complicated than scrapbooking and beyond the usual baby book stuff (there are a lot more interesting things that happen than getting a first tooth after all), we think it can be as simple as writing your child a letter on his birthday to reflect back on the year that has past. Include thoughts on some funny memories, his achievements (learning to crawl/ride a bike/drive), his relationships (special people in his life, how well—or not—he’s getting along with his sister) and your wishes for his continued successes. File these letters away (a shoebox will do) until your children are older and you’re well on your way to capturing their childhood in (this is the important part) your own words.

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