Meat-Free Meals: Sweet and Sour Lemongrass Tofu

sweet and sour lemongrass tofu

As I was looking for something to make for dinner tonight I started reminiscing about the days when I only had to cook for myself. When I decided to give up meat and chicken I had just moved out on my own. I was looking forward to cooking for myself so I picked up a copy of the infamous Moosewood Cookbook. If you were a vegetarian in my day, Moosewood was THE authority on vegetarian cooking. What a treasure the cookbook was! I was so excited to try out all the new recipes and discover new foods.  Every week I made a list of the recipes I wanted to try, making comments on each page as to whether or not they were worth making again. To this day I still have a few favourites from this cookbook like the Gypsy Soup and Vegetable Stew.

Fast forward a few years, okay quite a few years, and now I am cooking vegetarian meals for my family and I have to be more particular about what I choose.  If you click here you can see the recipe that’s going to be on our dinner table tonight. It is one of our favourites from My Darling Lemon Thyme.

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