10 Reasons We’d Travel Back to Beaches Turks & Caicos in a Hot Minute

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REASON #1 | If you think you’ve experienced a perfect white sand beach on past vacays, you very well might have. I was certain I’d experienced one – until I stepped onto the beach in Turks & Caicos. While my run-ins with sand have always been a little rough, the T&C beach is just so smooth, so powdery that you’re left walking with silk between your toes and the clear, turquoise waters of Grace Bay just beyond. It’s heaven – if your idea of heaven involves a mojito in your hand and the perfect beach at your feet. Just me? Also, Beaches Turks & Caicos has its own private stretch of beach complete with loads of loungers and stocked coolers on the adjacent boardwalk, so you can stretch out with a good book and a cool drink while your kids happily frolic in the sand and surf. Like I said: heaven.

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