No-Pressure Potty Training

My 'No Pressure' Potty Training Method

I have never really wondered when to start potty training. I focused more on what came naturally, as with many things related to parenting. Since our little babe was old enough to sit up by herself we’ve been sitting her on her potty. At the beginning, she was excited to be sitting on her own little “chair”.  I would sit across from her on our regular toilet each morning as a routine. I wanted her to get to understand using the facilities as just another simple part of life, like eating meals at the table, or washing up in the tub. If using the toilet was just something we always did, I figured that there wouldn’t have to be a big learning curve. I hoped we’d avoid the possibility of fear or reluctance to use something new and foreign to her when we decided she was old enough to start potty training.

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