I’m Now on Round Three of the 21 Day Fix

Jenny Lutes August 15, 2016
ruminating mommy

I’ve just started my third round of the ’21 Day Fix’ with the eating plan and Shakeology, and I feel more like my old self. (I wrote about my 30 pound weight gain in my post “I Am Not This Body“.) Exercise has never mattered to me, but for the past 6 weeks I’ve made sure to get a workout in every morning before I do anything else.

When I first started Maddie joined me and followed along saying, “This is really hard Mommy. You can do it.” Ava occasionally walked by and said, “You’re doing that wrong.” when I was modifying the planks…which I still do. The puppy barks at me because she can’t figure out what I’m doing. This is the reality of motherhood – we have to take time to take care of ourselves regardless of what’s going on around us.

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