I’m Battling Burnout by Taking a Year Off Work – Here’s How We’re Budgeting For It


Last year burned me right down to ashes. I felt emotionally drained and more than a little broken. And I’ll admit it – the midlife crisis is for real.

The more time I had to listen to myself the more I knew I needed a change. I am fortunate to have a job (for over 18 years!) at a workplace that was open to accommodating my request for a one-year leave to focus my time in new ways.  I hope I’ll return to work there with a renewed energy.

But this year off work – while therapeutic – does not come free – or even cheaply. This will mean a drastic cut in our income. At the very least we don’t want this year to put us back into debt.

We are going to need to cinch our belts even tighter and get even better at living frugally – plus earn some money in different ways.

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