Adventures in Potty Training {+ Free Printables!}

Lisa March 23, 2017
potty chart 500

So, now that my littlest one is in the midst of potty training, I am taking a much more laid back approach. Unless he tells me he has to go, I don’t push the issue. Occasionally I ask him, but if he doesn’t show interest, I don’t pursue the topic. However, I have created a handy little chart for us to mark his progress. And, although I always said I’d never bribe with food, I have heard so many success stories from my friends who have used Smarties or other favourite treats to inspire potty-going that I’ve decided to try it. (Who am I to argue with success?) So, I’ve included a spot at the end of each row to indicate a treat has been earned.

My son is obsessed with construction vehicles, so that’s what I put on his, but I’ve created two versions here for you to choose whichever best suits your little one.

Enjoy these free printables… I hope they help in your child’s potty training journey! (Click below to download.)

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