20 Quick, Healthy and Easy Sheet Pan Dinners

salmon recipes family love healthy quick delicious

As a Registered Dietitian, I know full and well all the benefits of eating salmon.  But do you think it’s a regular on our Meal Plan Master List?

Nope.  Ed and I both love salmon—so the problem doesn’t lie with us.  You guessed it.  We’ve got the same problem you likely do.  We have kids.  Kids can be less than open-minded about some foods.  One of those foods—so far—has been salmon.

So I’ve been experimenting with ways to get salmon onto our family table. A couple of months ago I had some success with a Salmon Cakes recipe from this wonderful family cookbook, Cooking Light Dinnertime Survival Guide: Feed Your Family. Save Your Sanity, from Sally at Real Mom Nutrition.  One kid liked them fine, and the other took a couple of nibbles.  That’s success!  With a few tweaks to the recipe, I think I can get our reluctant eater on board.

This meal inspired me to go hunting for salmon recipes from other mom’s and that’s what this post is about.  Below is 20+ healthy salmon recipes that I think may make it onto our table with success.  Hopefully yours too!
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