Very Berry Sorbet Dessert

Very Berry Sorbet Dessert

You’ll Need

  • 1 ⅓ cup crushed vanilla wafers (about 30 wafers)
  • ⅓ cup chopped almonds
  • ¼ cup butter, melted
  • 1 pack of Mother Hen Fieldberries Sorbet, softened
  • 1 pack of Mother Hen Strawberry Sorbet, softened
  • 1 ½ cup Blueberries

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    In a small bowl, combine the wafer crumbs, almonds and butter. Press into the bottom of an ungreased 9 inch springform pan.
  • 2
    Bake at 350 for 10–12 minutes or until lightly browned
  • 3
    Cool crust for 10 minute on a wire rack.
  • 4
    Arrange scoops of sorbet over crust, alternating flavours.
  • 5
    Cut through sorbet with a knife to swirl.
  • 6
    Cover and freeze overnight.
  • 7
    Remove from the freezer 10 minutes before serving and decorate with blueberries.

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