Tres Leches Cake with Coconut and Berries

easy kid friendly mexican dessert

This moist, rich dessert bathed in three milks is one of the most well known Mexican desserts you can make. Perfect for potlucks and picnics, book this recipe for your spring and summer entertaining needs. Tip: Although we love this with berries, feel free to swap them out for whichever fruit can be found fresh and in season at the market.

Recipe slightly adapted from Martha Stewart Living


Serves 12 to 14

You’ll Need

  • ½ cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled, plus extra for the pan
  • 6 large eggs, yolks and whites separated
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 cup cane or granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup flaked unsweetened coconut
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour, divided
  • 1 can light unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 cups whipping cream, divided
  • 2 cups sliced mixed berries, for serving

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 350F° and generously butter a 9×13-inch baking pan.
  • 2
    Whisk together egg whites, baking soda & salt with a hand or electric mixer, until soft peaks form, about 4 to 5 minutes.
  • 3
    Add yolks to egg white mixture and whisk until completely combined.
  • 4
    Gradually add sugar, and whisk until combined. Fold in the melted butter and coconut with a rubber spatula.
  • 5
    Sift ¼ cup flour onto mixture, fold to combine. Repeat with remaining flour, folding in ¼ cup flour at a time. Pour batter into pan; bake until golden and toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 18-20 minutes.
  • 6
    Meanwhile, whisk together the coconut milk, the condensed milk and 1 cup whipping cream. As soon as cake is removed from the oven, pour cream mixture over cake. Let cake cool completely in pan on a wire rack. Cover cake with plastic wrap, and refrigerate at least 5 hours and up to 8 hours.
  • 7
    Just before serving, beat remaining cup of whipping cream until soft peaks form, and spread over cake. Serve topped with mixed berries.

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