The Best Homemade Strawberry Jam from Scratch

The Best Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe - SavvyMom

There’s no need to sugarcoat it, this is truly the best strawberry jam recipe. It’s not even that difficult and it’s a great excuse to load up on fresh strawberries especially as the season draws to a close.

With only three ingredients, it’s pretty easy, too!

For instructions on sterilizing jars, visit the home canning website from Bernardin.


Makes 4 cups

Homemade Strawberry Jam from Scratch Recipe:

You’ll Need

  • 5½ cups sugar
  • ½ cup lemon juice
  • 2 quarts fresh strawberries, hulled and halved

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    In a large heavy pot, combine strawberries and sugar
    Leave to sit in pot overnight
  • 2
    Bring strawberry and sugar mixture to a boil.
    Boil for 5 minutes.
    Add lemon juice and continue to boil for an additional 3 minutes (continually remove the skim that forms on the top of the jam).
  • 3
    Spoon or pour the hot jam mixture into sterilized jam jars.

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