Secret (Healthy) Ingredient Chocolate Frosting

Jan Scott November 26, 2019
Secret (Healthy) Ingredient Chocolate Frosting

This week I’ve come across two recipes that were so unusual I found myself scratching my head with wonder and disbelief: could they really work? The first, written by an established recipe developer and beloved writer, was a total bust. I don’t think it would have been possible for the results to be worse than they were, and while the idea had promise the execution was a complete disaster.

The second recipe I tested couldn’t have been more different. I took creative liberties with the original simply because the ingredients called for weren’t easily found, and the end product was still just as wonderful as the original promised. The two-ingredient chocolate frosting is made with—are you ready for this?—puréed sweet potatoes and melted chocolate chips. I know, I know! It seems impossible that this combination can yield a chocolate frosting worthy of your special occasion cakes, but I’m here to let you know it’s not only possible, but definitely worth taking the time to make.

The recipe as written calls for canned sweet potatoes, something I wasn’t familiar with, nor an ingredient I could source. Instead I made my own sweet potato purée using roasted potatoes and a food processor and the end result was sweet and smooth, not gritty or pasty as it was suggested the results might be if I opted not to use the canned ingredient. The recipe does take a bit more time that you might want to spend on a frosting, but almost all of it is hands off, so it’s really very, very simple.

If you can find canned sweet potatoes, by all means, feel free to use them. You’ll need one 15oz. can, which you can use in place of the roasted potatoes in my recipe. You can also replace the chocolate chips with chopped chocolate if you prefer, but I like to use what I have on hand, and earlier this week it was chocolate chips I found in my freezer.

If you give this a go, I’d love to hear your thoughts. My sweet potato-phobic son was completely grossed out by the idea of this combination and begrudgingly tried it. He couldn’t have been more surprised by the taste and texture. In other words, he REALLY liked it. I hope you do, too.


Adapted from Food52

Makes enough for one 9×13-inch cake

You’ll Need

  • 1 lb. fresh sweet potatoes
  • 10 oz. best-quality semisweet or bittersweet chocolate chips

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.
  • 2
    Place the potatoes in the centre of the prepared pan. Fold up foil to enclose the potatoes and tightly seal the edges. Bake until potatoes are tender, about 1 ½ - 2 hours.
  • 3
    Remove potatoes from the oven and allow to cool until they can be handled. Peel the skins from the potatoes and transfer them to the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade.
  • 4
    Meanwhile, place the chocolate chips in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water. Heat until chocolate is completely melted, stirring occasionally.
  • 5
    Add the melted chocolate to the sweet potatoes and puree until smooth. Cool, whipping occasionally, until the mixture is room temperature and the consistency of canned frosting. It will hold soft peaks when lifted with a spatula and spread easily, but should not be stiff.
  • 6
    Spread frosting over cake. It will firm up as it cools and tastes best the day it is made, but can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

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