Homemade Hot Cocoa for a Cold Day

Jan Scott December 21, 2021
hot cocoa recipe

My youngest son loves hot cocoa in all forms, from all places, at all times. My older one doesn’t. You can’t please everyone all the time, but my youngest and I enjoy it after school and chat about our day.

This is a great hot cocoa recipe for your young ones to work on with you. The milk simmers in a pot over very low heat, and while you supervise the stove, your sous chef can measure and manage the addition of the cocoa, chocolate, honey, and cinnamon. Yes, it’s the cinnamon that makes this so, so good.

I’m not going to tell you that I made this for my boy to drink with his dinner recently and I probably also won’t mention that it accompanied popcorn and apples for the nightly meal. Not every meal can be a grand affair, and last week was certainly a busy one. But I will tell you that what I served was devoured, and enjoyed, and it put a big smile on a small face. And despite the cooler temperatures outdoors, I was quite warm knowing how happy we were.

Spiced Hot Cocoa Recipe

You’ll Need

  • 2 cups milk, or milk alternative
  • 1 baking square of semi-sweet chocolate
  • 2 tbsp cocoa
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp cinnamon

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Place the milk in a medium saucepan over medium heat and allow it to simmer to warm.
    After three or four minutes, add the chocolate and allow to melt.
  • 2
    Add the cocoa, honey, and cinnamon and whisk to combine well.
  • 3
    Allow the milk to sit at this heat level until it is nice and warm (or the right temperature for you and your child) and pour the hot cocoa into mugs.

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