Homemade Creamsicles

Homemade Creamsicles Recipe - SavvyMom

You don’t have to be in the midst of the dog days of summer to appreciate something icy cold and slurp-able. The thought of spending time in the kitchen (with the oven on) is almost more than I can handle, and instead of quinoa loaves and cookies, these days my boys are snacking on homemade creamsicles and watermelon pops.

Homemade creamsicles are perhaps my most favourite of icy treats, bringing me back to my childhood summers more than any other food.

Fast-forward 20 years, and the creamsicle is still a favourite of mine, only now I make them. I keep most of the ingredients on hand, and they taste just about as good as the ones from my childhood, only now they are a little healthier.

Made with orange juice, vanilla, cream, and honey, they’re naturally sweetened (making them almost acceptable enough for breakfast).

Do you like to make your own homemade popsicles this summer? What treats from your childhood do you try to recreate for your own kids?


Makes 4 Popsicles

Homemade Creamsicles Recipe

You’ll Need

  • ½ cup light cream
  • 1 cup and 4 Tbsp orange juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 Tbsp honey (or sugar)
  • 4 popsicle molds

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Combine all of the ingredients, except the four Tbsp of orange juice, into a large glass measuring cup and mix well
  • 2
    Pour one Tbsp of orange juice into each Popsicle mold and freeze as per manufacturers instructions
  • 3
    Once completely frozen, divide the creamsicle mixture between the molds and freeze again

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