Cinnamon-Scented Mango Applesauce

Jan Scott April 27, 2016
Apple and Mango Applesauce

Makes approx. 1 litre

You’ll Need

  • 2 lbs. apples, washed, cored and cut into chunks
  • 3 cups cubed mango (frozen is fine)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 cup water
  • Optional: sweetener of choice (brown sugar, maple syrup, honey)

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Combine the apples, mango, cinnamon stick and water in a medium saucepan and set over high heat.
  • 2
    Bring to a boil, and then lower the heat to medium and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes, stirring often, or until the apples are soft.
  • 3
    Let the applesauce cool for a few minutes, then ladle into a blender and purée until smooth. Using a colander set over a large bowl, strain the sauce and discard solids. If a thinner consistency is desired, add additional water. Check the flavour and add sweetener to taste, if necessary.
  • 4
    Applesauce can be stored in the fridge for 2 weeks, or in the freezer for 6 months.

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