How to Make Candy Sushi

Candy Sushi Recipe - SavvyMom

Candy Sushi is Perfect for a Fun Dessert or Birthday Party Treat

Seriously, how cute and sweet (literally) is this candy sushi platter?  Nigiri-style, maki-style, plus candy wasabi and ginger! If you’ve got the prep time, it’s so worth the effort. What a great excuse to head to the bulk store for a bunch of gummy treats and spend an afternoon making classic Rice Krispie squares!

How to Make Candy Sushi

You’ll Need

  • Rice Krispie squares (store-bought or homemade)
  • Assorted fruit leathers
  • Assorted candies including Swedish Fish, gummy worms, jelly beans, etc.

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    To make nigiri-style sushi, slice Rice Krispie squares into thin rectangles.
    Place a Swedish Fish or gummy worm on top, and wrap a thin slice of fruit leather around the base of the candy.
  • 2
    To make maki-style sushi, ,flatten a Rice Krispie square using a rolling pin and lay it on top of a piece of fruit leather.
    Cut thin slices of red, orange, and green candies (AirHeads work well) and lay across the flattened Rice Krispie square.
    Roll candy up into a cylinder and slice into pieces.
  • 3
    To make candy pickled ginger, cut an orange AirHead into thin slices and roll out with a rolling pin.
    Starting with one end, wind candy into a spiral, leaving a little space between each layer.
  • 4
    To make candy wasabi, slice green jelly beans in half and pile together.

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