Canadian Critter Cupcakes

Beaver Cupcakes - Full Size

Keep the kids busy as beavers with these easy to make and decorate beaver cupcakes that are worthy of any Canada Day celebration. You can use homemade or store-bought cupcakes and candy from the bulk food store to put this edible critter creation together.

Makes 12

You’ll Need

  • 12 chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting (store-bought or homemade)
  • 24 candy eyeballs
  • 12 red candy-coated chocolate buttons (like M&Ms)
  • 24 brown candy-coated chocolate buttons (like M&Ms)
  • 24 slivered almonds

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Place cupcakes on a serving platter or cake stand. Press candy eyeballs into place. Gently press and centre the red candy-coated chocolate buttons below the eyes to make the nose.
  • 2
    Insert brown candy-coated chocolate button above the eyes to make the ears. Press slivered almonds into icing below the nose for the teeth. Serve immediately or store at room temperature in a covered container for up to 2 days.

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