Breakfast Bread

Jan Scott September 13, 2022
Breakfast Bread Recipe - SavvyMom

This simple breakfast bread is almost like a pizza with eggs on top, only it’s healthier, definitely quicker to cook, and works just as well for a busy weekday morning with the kids as it does for a weekend brunch with friends.

While this recipe is made using the ingredients I like and keep in my fridge, it’s endlessly adaptable and can be customized to suit your own tastes. Goat cheese is my preferred spread, but ricotta and cream cheese would work just as well. If bacon isn’t your thing, feel free to use prosciutto or turkey bacon in its place, or skip the meat altogether. Parmesan cheese works as well as cheddar, and the basil can be replaced with green onions, if you prefer.

While I’ve given instructions for making this in the oven, I actually cook mine in my toaster oven instead. I make all four breads early in the morning, a task that takes less than ten minutes, and then I pop them into the toaster oven as each of my family members stumbles down the stairs. This ensures no one needs to eat cold eggs when they arrive at the table, making it a simple way to get a hot breakfast into many people.

While I refer to this as a breakfast bread, don’t think we haven’t also enjoyed it for dinner, along with a side salad. I’ve even made it for a quick lunch for myself, and for an after-school snack for my teenagers who are usually in need of something fairly substantial when they return home.

Makes 4

Recipe: Breakfast Bread

You’ll Need

  • 4 pieces naan bread
  • ½ cup goat cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 4 slices cooked bacon, finely chopped
  • Cherry tomatoes, halved
  • ½ cup shaved Parmesan cheese
  • 2-3 large basil leaves, thinly sliced

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Preheat the oven to 400°F and line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil
  • 2
    Place the naan on the prepared baking sheet
    Spread 2 tablespoons of goat cheese evenly onto each naan
    Carefully crack the eggs onto the goat cheese, 1 egg per piece of bread
    Season with salt and pepper
  • 3
    Scatter some of the cooked bacon over the bread, along with the cherry tomatoes, using as many as desired
  • 4
    Bake until the eggs are set, 10-15 minutes, depending on how well you like your yolks cooked
    Top with shaved Parmesan and sliced basil and serve warm

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