Haunted but Healthy Halloween Eats

Jan Scott October 26, 2021
Healthy Halloween Eats

My family and I are Halloween enthusiasts. It started when my oldest two boys were toddlers, and we took on the task of making homemade Halloween costumes. That turned into a fun family tradition, and each year we would try to one-up the outfits from the year prior. Some might even say my obsession with these getups could rival the pageant moms dolling up their daughters on Toddlers and Tiaras – but I assure you it comes from a place of passion for having fun with my kids, who, for the most part, have been eager participants in the designing and construction of these outfits.

In addition, we make a lot of Halloween-inspired food, and I always tried to send some fun and festive snacks into the classroom for their annual Halloween parties. The only caveat is that I insist on making something healthy because those of us who’ve been around the Halloween block a few times already know that November 1st inevitably comes with a Halloween hangover and I try really hard not to contribute to the sugar crash myself. (Check out these ideas to use up excess Halloween candy)

These healthy Halloween eats never fail to disappoint. And all are way simpler than the easiest homemade Halloween costumes…

Healthy Halloween Eats

Monster Head Veggie Platter

Veggies are not top of mind for the kids come Halloween, so this is a great way to ensure they get a serving or two.

Frankenstein Dip with Creepy Crackers

This ghoulish goodie is nothing more than a classic spinach and artichoke dip that uses kale in place of the traditional leafy green. And it’s perfect for a scary movie night, or a potluck Halloween party, or even if you need something to send into the school for a classroom party (note: we’d swap the warm dip for hummus or something similar that can be served or at room temperature). Regardless of the reason, this platter is spooky enough to thrill all who happen upon it and tastes even better than it looks.

Healthy Halloween apple mummies - SavvyMom

Apple Mummies

I love when I can be both fun and practical, and after picking 25lbs. of apples on Thanksgiving weekend, I’ve been turning some of my haul into these mummified apples. They really couldn’t be easier to make: use a vegetable peeler to remove strips of peel so what remains mimics bandages. Using mini chocolate chips, press the pointy side into the apple where a piece of the peel has been removed. For toddlers and smaller children who may not eat an entire apple, cut the apple in half vertically and remove the core with a paring knife. Peel the skin away as instructed before, place the apple pieces cut side down on a serving plate or platter and insert chocolate chips.

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